2012년 12월 13일 목요일

Are you looking for Fur items in this winter?

Are you looking for 
Fur item in this winter?

Do you get bored flat and simple items?

If so, 
how about these items?

Well, in my case..
I love red one the most :D

Which is your favorite?
What would you choose for you?

Feel free to comment please ~

댓글 2개:

  1. I've really really want a fur jacket for a long time now!

    I like the eskimo hood in the last one, hehe~ But my favorite is the one on the left here:


    Is it trendy in Korea right now? :D

    1. Oh, I love your link, Airi♥ That really good on you! Fur is quite trendy now in Korea. Actually I also tried to buy that, however, it didn't look good on me. Looked so fat! :(


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